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The Casualty Network System Capstone Project

Miles, Ethan A.

Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School





Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited



Ethan A. Miles

December 2012

Thesis Advisor: Alex Bordetsky Second Reader: Gordon McCormick



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Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943–5000




11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. IRB Protocol number ____N/A____.

12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)

Passing patient information ahead of time to providers charged with assuming their medical care has been shown to improve the quality of medical care. On today’s battlefield there is minimal to no ability to pass medical information ahead of time about those wounded in combat. The limited ability to adequately hand off patients in combat leads to a significant potential for medical errors. Current technology exists to facilitate the electronic transfer of casualty information ahead of time by the ground force network. By linking the ground force with the evacuation team and trauma teams, the problem of battlefield handoffs can be greatly reduced.

This capstone project first describes the current problem of battlefield patient handoffs. The project next explores the tactical network as a solution, suggesting specific attributes of an ideal system. Finally, this project explores applications for a Casualty Network System and discusses how such a system should be implemented.

14. SUBJECT TERMS Medical, MEDEVAC, TACEVAC, Telemedicine, Patient handoff, Combat casualty care, Casualty Network, CNS, CBRN, Counter-Proliferation, Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief










UU NSN 7540–01–280–5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2–89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239–18




Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


Ethan A. Miles, MD Major, United States Army

M.D., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2003 M.S., Northern Arizona University, 1998

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


from the


Author: Ethan A. Miles

Approved by: Alex Bordetsky Thesis Advisor

Gordon McCormick Second Reader

John Arquilla Chair, Department of Defense Analysis





Passing patient information ahead of time to providers charged with assuming

their medical care has been shown to improve the quality of medical care. On

today’s battlefield there is minimal to no ability to pass medical information ahead

of time about those wounded in combat. The limited ability to adequately hand off

patients in combat leads to a significant potential for medical errors. Current

technology exists to facilitate the electronic transfer of casualty information ahead

of time by the ground force network. By linking the ground force with the

evacuation team and trauma teams, the problem of battlefield handoffs can be

greatly reduced.

This capstone project first describes the current problem of battlefield

patient handoffs. The project next explores the tactical network as a solution,

suggesting specific attributes of an ideal system. Finally, this project explores

applications for a Casualty Network System and discusses how such a system

should be implemented.





This capstone project was born out of my direct experiences while

deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as a Ranger Battalion Surgeon. While

deployed I noticed that each receiving provider in the evacuation process had

essentially zero knowledge of the patient at the time they started to care for

them. TACEVAC medics were arriving with little knowledge of patient injuries,

how many patients they were receiving and sometimes whether they were

human or canine. I observed that rarely did a casualty card make it to the

Combat Support Hospital (CSH) trauma team. When the casualty card did make

it to the CSH, often it was thrown on the floor with the rest of the casualties

clothing. The casualties would invariably get repeat doses of medications, or

have delays in discovering wounds. Why was this critical patient summary being

so blatantly discarded? Why was the work of my highly trained medics being

overlooked? I came to realize that it was not the fault of the trauma team.

The problem with the system was that the trauma team was starting with a

blank canvas in their mind. Rightly so, the trauma team would go straight to the

patient for their information. The directly observed information was used to paint

their picture of the casualty. While our military trauma teams are exceptionally

proficient at their jobs, I often thought about what we could do in the field to help

them paint a more accurate picture. One answer stood out clearly, the trauma

team must have the information before they receive a patient so that they can

start to “see the patient” before he or she arrives.

I argue that since handoffs in the civilian environment have been shown to

be a problem, we can assume that they are just as much of a problem in the

battlefield. While there are currently no studies to back up this assumption, I

believe that it is a safe assumption to make. Further, I argue that the way to fix

this problem in the battlefield (or at home) is to send the information to the

receiving provider before the casualty arrives.


Solutions, though currently less than ideal, exist for this problem. Why

then, are we still having medics on the battlefield use markers and laminated

pieces of paper? The answer, I believe, is that while the technological means

may exist, the guidance does not. This project attempts to help solve the

guidance problem by explaining the problem, recommending a solution and

laying out the way ahead.



PREFACE ................................................................................................................. VII I. THE HANDOFF PROBLEM ............................................................................ 1 II. THE TACTICAL MEDICAL NETWORK .......................................................... 5 III. SYSTEM DESIGN ......................................................................................... 11 IV. APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................ 17

A. CBRN .................................................................................................. 17 1. Select Properties of Chemical Agents ................................. 17 2. Select Properties of Biological Agents ................................ 18 3. Select Properties of Nuclear Agents .................................... 18 4. Use of a CNS in CBRN Environment .................................... 19

B. CIVILIAN EMS .................................................................................... 21 C. HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND DISASTER RELIEF (HADR) 22

V. TOWARD AN IDEAL HANDOFF .................................................................. 25 A. CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................. 25 B. VARIABLES ....................................................................................... 26 C. EXPERIMENT STRUCTURE .............................................................. 27

LIST OF REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 31 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST .................................................................................. 33





Figure 1. The current combat casualty card in use. ............................................. 1 Figure 2. Graphic representation of the battlefield casualty network. .................. 9 Figure 3. The START triage guidelines for initial medical response to

radiological casualties. ........................................................................ 19 Figure 4. Timeline showing data captured for each element. ............................. 29 Figure 5. Experiment campaign cycle. ............................................................... 30





Table 1. Table depicting the experiment elements and their roles. ................... 28





AED – Automatic External Defibrillator

AF – Assault Force

ARS – Acute Radiation Sickness

CBRN – Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

CNS – Casualty Network System

CONUS – Continental United States

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf

CP – Counter-Proliferation

CSH – Combat Support Hospital

DoD – Department of Defense

ECG – Electrocardiogram

EM – Evacuation Module

EMS – Emergency Medical Services

FST – Forward Surgical Team

HADR – Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief

IBD – Individual Biometric Device

JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controller

LPD – Low Probability Detection

LPI – Low Probability Intercept

MD – Medical Doctor

MEDEVAC – Medical Evacuation

MM – Medic Module

MTF – Military Treatment Facility


OC – Observer Controller

RF – Radio Requency

RR - Respiratory Rate

RTO – Radio Telephone Operator

SEB – Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B

SER – Software Enabled Radio

SME – Subject Matter Expert

SOCOM – Special Operations Command

SOF – Special Operations Forces

START – Simple Triage Rapid Treatment

TACEVAC – Tactical Evacualtion

TM – Trauma Module

TNT – Tactical Network Testbed

TOC – Tactical operations Center

UHF – Ultra High Frequency



When a casualty is received during combat operations, a lifesaving clock starts

ticking. The faster he can get to definitive medical care, the better the chance he

has of surviving. Currently minimal to no information about the casualty is

received ahead of time by the provider. Despite having an intimate knowledge of

the casualties and their injuries, the field medic has only minimal ability to pass

this knowledge on to the next provider.

Ideally, before receiving casualties, a provider will have an understanding

about their injuries and conditions. In order to accomplish this, information must

be sent ahead of time. Currently, technology exists to enable this to happen

anywhere in the world in a variety of circ*mstances. An ideal system will allow

critical information to flow from casualties and attending medic to all receiving

providers in the evacuation chain, starting as close to the time of injury as


The tactical network formed by the military unit on the ground provides a

means in which casualty information can be transmitted. By linking casualties

and providers via the tactical network, medical information can be passed back

and forth instantly. This networked connection connects all providers to the

casualties, facilitating improved handoffs and casualty care.

The design requirements of a Casualty Network System (CNS) consist of

two categories: medical and communication. Medical requirements include types

of vital signs required, casualty information, and injury information.

Communication requirements include: method of signal propagation, wireless

signals, and user interface. The initial design requirements must be set, yet

remain flexible as new technologies breakout and units change their


Applications for a CNS are numerous. Four main areas discussed for use

include: combat casualty care, CBRN operations, Humanitarian and Disaster


Response (HADR), and civilian EMS. As long as interoperability remains a

clearly defined requirement, the applications are limitless throughout the medical


While the problem of casualty handoffs is a large one, a solution is in

sight. The current level of ad-hoc mobile networking sets the framework for the

real-world solution. In order to fix the problem, the DoD must lay out specific

design requirements to the commercial industry for development and an

experiment campaign must be organized. The most likely organization within the

DoD to spearhead the process is SOCOM. SOCOM should take the lead for

several reasons: they cross all services, have Research and Design capabilities,

are staffed with highly qualified and experienced medical and communications

personnel, are consistently accepting and adapting new technologies, and have

the ability to rapidly field technologies.



First and foremost, I would like to thank the medics who have served and

are currently serving on the battlefield. This project will, I hope, help them do their

jobs with greater efficiency and save more lives. I would also like to thank my

advisor, Dr Alex Bordetsky, for guiding me on this project as well as for his

commitment to advancing battlefield medical capabilities. A special thank you is

in order to the Defense Analysis Department at the Naval Postgraduate School

for encouraging and fostering free thinking as the student corps takes on the

multitude of important issues facing our nation. Finally, I thank Valorie for

standing by me throughout this process and the military journey we are on.





The current concept of the tactical network is rapidly evolving on today’s

battlefield. As Special Operations Forces (SOF) are rapidly acquiring software

enabled radios and operating within a new bubble of information flow, the

potentials are unlimited. One area with a tremendous opportunity exists in the

medical care arena.

In today’s theatre of operation there is minimal communication at handoffs

when a casualty is evacuated through the current medical evacuation (medevac)

chain, significant gaps occur in the patient’s continuity of care. As the patient is

transferred from the ground medic to the flight medic, and flight medic to trauma

team minimal (if any) information is transferred along with the patient. Attempts in

the past to overcome this gap in the battlefield handoff have been focused on the

handwritten casualty card (Figure 1). Recent revision of this card resulted in a

more intuitive and easier to use format, which captures essential data.

Figure 1. The current combat casualty card in use.


Other attempts to overcome this problem have been through the use of

radio transmission or through sending the medic along with the patient. Radio

transmission of patient information is often difficult at best as communication

links are difficult between field units and trauma teams. Often the information is

incomplete, short and incompletely transmitted. Sending the initial treating

ground medic along with the casualty provides a source of tremendous

information. The two main problems with this technique are: the ground unit loses

a vital member for follow on operations, and the information is still being provided

at time of casualty reception and not prior.

No matter how much the handwritten card is improved, however, the

system of handwritten casualty cards is critically flawed. This primary flaw in this

system is that it does not allow the receiving provider to obtain knowledge about

the patient prior to receiving the casualty. When a provider receives a

handwritten note at the same instant that the patient is received, they will

(justifiably) focus on the patient rather than gain information obtained from the

previous provider. The simultaneous reception of patient and information often

results in casualty cards being ignored or discarded. In order to rectify this

fundamental flaw a system must be developed which allows ahead of time

transmission to the receiving provider.

Patient handoff has been shown to be a major source of medical errors in

hospitals throughout the country. It is estimated that somewhere between 44,000

to 98,000 patients die in hospitals per year as a result of preventable medical

errors (Council, 2000). In fact, when a study was performed looking for error at

handoff in a post-op pediatric intensive care unit, miscommunication occurred in

100% of the 134 cases (Mistry KP, 2005). Much attention has been given on how

to handle this problem and virtually all the solutions have focused on adequate

communication about the patient prior to reception. Even when this

communication does occur via spoken word, the amount of information

processed by the receiver can be much lower. In a study performed at a level 1

civilian trauma center, the receiving provider documented only 72.9% of key data


points transmitted by EMS personnel (Carter, Davis, & Evans, 2009). This study

emphasizes that even when key data is verbally transmitted in a controlled

environment at the time the patient is received; much of that data is lost in the

handoff. This furthers the argument that in order to properly receive information

about a patient, it must be available ahead of time and in a digitally recorded

format. By doing so, the error rate of transcription can be virtually eliminated.

Another benefit of ahead of time transmission is that the receiving team has a

great deal more time available to “learn” about their incoming patient and

properly prepare for optimal care. While no studies have been done to assess

the error rate in combat handoffs, it can be reasonable assumed that they are

higher than would be seen in a much more controlled civilian environment. In

combat with our most critical patients, this information is often partially

transmitted over

In 2006, The Joint Commission decided to implement patient hand off in

its requirements. The Commission stated, “The primary objective of a “hand off”

is to provide accurate information about a [patient’s] care, treatment, and

services, current condition and any recent or anticipated changes. The

information communicated during a hand off must be accurate in order to meet

[patient] safety goals (Joint Commission, 2006).” It is an assumption in civilian

medicine that this information flow will occur prior to receiving the casualty.

Currently in today’s theatre of operations, little information is available about a

patient prior to receiving them at the MEDEVAC and FST/CSH. This lack of

medical information presents several challenges for the MEDEVAC medic and

receiving trauma team. These challenges include: How many patients, what are

their exact injuries, what treatments have been performed, what medications

have been given, what is their blood type, how are their vitals trending, and what

concerns does the medic who is currently treating them have. All of the

information is available, yet it is not transmitted to those who need it most in time

for them to adequately prepare to receive the patient.


Receiving information about a patient prior to receiving them presents

several advantages. First, the receiving provider has time to adequately process

and internalize the casualties’ injuries, status and interventions received. Second,

the receiving provider has time to properly prepare for the casualty, prepping

specialty equipment such as femoral traction splints, blood transfusions or

medications. Third, ahead of time transmission would facilitate transporting the

patient to the most appropriate facility (such as reroute to a neurosurgical

capable facility for the TBI patient). Fourth, ahead of time transmission would

facilitate improved diagnostic capability. Imagine being able to trend a casualties

vital signs for the hour prior to arrival at the hospital rather than basing treatment

off of the information received in the 1 minute since they arrived in the hospital.

In the following chapter, I will describe the current tactical network as it

relates to the networking of information flow in combat casualty care. This

description will lie out the fundamental concepts of network theory and relate

those concepts to the deficiencies in the current system.



The central core of the tactical network is the Assault Force (AF), which

can be described as a cluster of nodes. Each node is an individual soldier with a

software-enabled radio. Typically the AF is made up of approximately 40–70

members. Within the AF, only a limited number of personnel have software

enable radios (SER’s). Typically, the squad leaders and above carry SERs along

with a few other enablers (JTAC, RTO, etc.). In the described scenario, there are

approximately 9–12 nodes making up the ground tactical network. Given the high

degree of connectivity between the AF, the separation between the nodes is

extremely small as described by the Watts and Strogatz model (Watts &

Strogatz, 1998). Based on the Watts and Strogatz model, the AF can be viewed

as a small world network with several shortcuts. This arrangement facilitates a

high degree of connectivity in the AF, which facilitates information flow from one

member to another. The additional advantage of this network is that once a

connection is formed to another network or hub, every member connected to the

AF can now access the second network. At most, an individual in the AF is two

degrees separated from the network (one degree to his team leader, two degrees

to his squad leader who is directly in the network). This network may link in to

various assets such as: UAV’s, fixed-wing aircraft, rotary wing aircraft, or

satellites which can link the entire network into a worldwide network (Internet

gateway node) (Chlamtac, Conti, & Liu, 2003). These links provide a tremendous

opportunity for TCCC that is the ability to tie all medical providers to each other.

Thus, the AF network becomes the vital circuit to which the casualty must be


Once a casualty is received a few key actions occur in this network. The

first change is that the casualty is automatically placed one degree further than

the medic from the network. This occurs because even if the casualty is the most

connected node in the network, his radio is removed from him and all information

flow goes through the medic attending to him. The medic now becomes a weak


tie, connecting the casualty information to the AF network. A weak tie forms “a

bridge to the outside world” allowing casualty information to flow into the network

(Barabasi, 2002). Weak ties in networks form critical roles as they connect hubs

to hubs, thus allowing one hub to access the information contained in another

hub. In this example, the casualty represents the vital source of information while

the medic links that information to the network. The second action that occurs is

the introduction of the TACEVAC to remove the casualty and transport him to

definitive care. Upon entering into radio frequency range of the AF, the pilot (for

Air TACEVAC) links in to the network and becomes a weak tie. The pilot as a

weak tie is connecting the AF to the back of the aircraft (the medic). Now, a

connection is established from the casualty to the TACEVAC medic. This

tenuous connection plays a critical role in the care of the casualty. The

TACEVAC medic is charged with receiving a casualty (or multiple casualties)

with little to no information about them, continuing optimal care in suboptimal

conditions. The TACEVAC medic’s goal is to deliver the casualty to the next

level of care in the same or better condition than he received them. When we

compare this to the problems described earlier in patient handoffs in the hospital

environment, it is easy to see what a tremendously difficult task this can be.

Through the use of properly established networking protocols, a reliable end-to-

end delivery can be made from the sender (ground medic) to the receiver

(TACEVAC medic) (Chlamtac, Conti, & Liu, 2003). By establishing a connection

to the casualty ahead of time, the TACEVAC medic gains improved situational

awareness on his casualty, thus enhancing his ability to provide en route care.

As we will see though, this connection has several difficulties.

Similar to the TACEVAC, one can see how connecting the network to

satellite communications establishes a weak tie to the trauma team. The Trauma

Team can range from a small Forward Surgical Team to a massive Combat

Support Hospital or a CONUS based rear-echelon facility (i.e., Walter Reed). As

shown in Figure 1, the casualty is two degrees from the tactical network and four

degrees from either the TACEVAC or the trauma team. Similar to the TACEVAC


medic, the Trauma Team is charged with receiving a casualty, of whom they

know little to nothing about, and providing life saving definitive care. If the

Trauma Team establishes a connection to the casualty ahead of time, they too

will increase their situational awareness of the casualty. This increased

situational awareness comes through an enhanced casualty handoff process,

which must occur prior to reception of the patient.

The current difficulties with the tactical network are that the key medical

players are not tied in. A ground medic may or may not (more likely the latter)

have a software-enabled radio, the medic on the TACEVAC is likely to only have

voice connection to the pilot, and the Trauma Team has no current connection to

the network other than a voice relay of a 9 line MEDEVAC report. How then, do

we connect these key nodes to the network? Each of the three nodes discussed

have different requirements for optimal connection to the network.

When connecting to the AF network, the AF medic must have a secure

wireless link. Connectivity can be accomplished by simply giving the medic a

SER, thus becoming another node in the network. If however, limitations in

resources prevent all medics from carrying a radio other means may suffice. One

optimal way to connect the medic to the network is wirelessly, through a

handheld device. Several devices exist that can wirelessly transmit to any node

within the AF network. Currently, wireless handheld devices designed for medics

exist and provide significant advantages. These devices can receive wireless

transmission of multiple casualty vital signs, interpret voice into an electronic

casualty card, and transmit two-way texting. By connecting the medic into the AF

network in this way, a critical amount of casualty information becomes available

to anybody tied into the network.

The TACEVAC medic has an increasing opportunity to tie into the AF

network as helicopters increase their communications capabilities through

software enable communications. If the TACEVAC medic ties into the AF

network, then he will be able to receive this key information prior to receiving the

casualty, as well as be able to push information back into the network once the


casualty is received. The TACEVAC medic does not require the wireless

connection like the AF medic does, it must still be a secure connection though.

The connection of the TACEVAC medic may be direct plug in to the helicopter (or

ground vehicle). The TACEVAC medic may also use a larger format tablet,

instead of a small handheld device like the AF medic, thus increasing his ability

to track multiple patients in a dark unstable environment.

Once a satellite connection is established with the AF network, outside

sources may connect. These sources include the FST, CSH, and rear-echelon

Military Treatment Facilities (MTF). By establishing this link, the awaiting Trauma

Team now becomes a critical node in the medical network. The Trauma Team is

now able to receive information (vital signs, casualty card information, location,

messages, and personal information) as well as send information to the medics

providing care. Most Trauma Teams are connected to the Internet via hospital

based computer networks. These network provide the opportunity for a simple

connection into a tactical network once satellite communication is established.

Now the trauma team is better able to receive the patient as they have key

handoff information ahead of time. The team is now able to activate the proper

members (neurosurgery, orthopaedics, blood bank, etc.) armed with the casualty

information. Additionally, when medics are faced with difficult medical decisions,

they will now have the ability to reach back for telemedicine support.


Figure 2. Graphic representation of the battlefield casualty network.





























The CNS consists of four distinct components. The first component is the

individual biometric device (IBD). This is a small and rugged device, which is

attached to the casualty. The device is capable of recording and transmitting a

variety of vital signs such as: pulse rate, respiratory rate, SpO2, and skin

temperature. The IBD transmits this data to the second component, the Medic

Module (MM). Data transmission is done via secure wireless method, most likely

utilizing Ultra-Wide Band for its tactical advantages of low probability intercept

(LPI), low probability detection (LPD), high resistance to jamming, low

interference and high data rate (Battaglia, 2011).

The MM is a small (cell-phone-sized) rugged device, which can attach to

the medic in any desired configuration (chest, arm, pocket, or to patient directly).

The MM device captures all data transmitted from the IBD recording and

displaying graphically, thus allowing the medic to trend vital signs. The device is

able to record multiple patients and allows for easy switching between patients.

The device has a minimum of four separate screens. Screen 1 is essentially a

vital signs monitor (with trends), screen 2 is the injury and treatment screen

(similar to the current casualty card), screen 3 is individual patient data (allergies,

blood type, identification, and screen 4 is a messenger screen for 2 way

communication (from medic to medevac or trauma team). The patient’s

identification appears at the top of all screens (verification). The MM records

information on the casualty’s injuries and the medic’s treatments via voice

recognition. As the medic performs his primary survey he speaks into the system

any injuries and interventions performed. These injuries and interventions are

recorded and displayed on screen 2. Once the primary survey is complete and

the patient is stabilized, the medic can quickly review screen 2 and confirm that

the data recorded is correct. The information is either manually corrected on the

device by the medic or confirmed as correct. Once the decision has been

confirmed to medevac the patient, the medic activates the transmission mode on


the device, sending all data to the third and fourth components, the Evacuation

Module (EM) and Trauma Module (TM). The information is sent via tactical

communications networks, either FM or adhoc tactical networks.

The EM is essentially a larger version (tablet size) of the MM, which allows

for easier visualization and data entry aboard helicopter or ground ambulance.

Once the patient data is transmitted from the ground medic, the evac medic can

see all four screens and send messages to the ground medic (confirming arrival

time, patient load plan, etc.). Once the patient is received by the medevac, the

IBD transmits information directly to the EM, which then takes over transmitting

duties to the TM. The medevac medic confirms the data; updates screen 2 and

continues to transmit medical data to the awaiting trauma team. Transmission is

achieved securely through direct plug in capability from existing aircraft systems.

The TM is not a separate device; rather it is a software program, which

uses data transfer to a secure Internet site. If a remotely staged FST does not

have Internet capability, they can use an EM. This vital capability opens up the

possible use of the system to engage remote Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

The system overall must meet several requirements.

Establishing the design requirements is the most important task of the

project. Design requirements will be based off of initial concept and refined

through interviews and testing feedback. Initial design requirements have been

set and are as follows:

Interoperability. The system must be able to work with multiple devices

from different manufactures. Rather than focus on a single system design, each

service or unit must be able to purchase components that best suit their

operators. Often on today’s battlefield several services and countries may come

together during the casualty care process. A marine may be injured, transferred

via Army TACEVAC to an Air Force or British hospital. In order to ensure that

these systems work together, interoperability standards must be set by the DoD.


The experimentation campaign described earlier will help facilitate interoperability

between the different components.

“Ahead of time transmission.” The system must be able to transfer

casualty data to the receiving provider, prior to casualty arrival. If casualty data is

transmitted ahead of time to the receiving party, then they will have time to

prepare (both mentally and logistically) to receive the casualty. If data is received

at the same time as the casualty is received, then naturally the priority will go

towards evaluating the casualty rather than learning from what the prior provider

has done. This data should be able to be transferred to the receiving trauma

team as well as the medevac crew.

Secure transmission. The system must work under secure encrypted

transmission. As with all battlefield communication, it is critical that this data be

securely transmitted.

Redundancy. Given the critical nature of this system, each step must

have redundancy and backup for when systems fail.

Confirmation. Each transmission must be confirmed upon receipt. By

confirming transmission, the provider is ensured that the receiving party has the

required information.

Intuitive interface. This system will be used during the highest stress

times on the battlefield, so interface must be simple and intuitive. A complicated

device will quickly get thrown to the side when first contact is made.

Multiple casualties. The system must be able to work with multiple

casualties (as is often seen on the battlefield) with ensured positive identification.

The provider must be able to assess and treat multiple casualties simultaneously.

A minimum of five casualties should be the goal for each MM.


Multiple providers. The system must be capable of handling more than

one provider. Often on the ground more than one medic is available, the two

must be able to integrate on the system to facilitate patient coordination and


Positive identification. The system must be able to quickly and positively

identify the casualty. Ideally this confirmation would also include allergy, blood

type and any additional critical medical history for the casualty.

Low light capability. Given that the system will be used in a time of

combat and often at night, the system must have the ability to operate putting out

minimal light signature for operational security.

Air worthy. The system must be able to operate in rotary wing airframes.

Rugged. Each module must be capable of operating in the extremes of

environmental conditions seen throughout the world.

Ease of data entry. Data entry into the system must be extremely simple

and take minimal time and effort away from casualty care. Data recording should

never interfere with patient care. Optimally this would be a hands free voice

system. A hands free voice system is particularly well suited to the ground medic

as medics in the military are required to vocalize their primary and secondary

surveys during training.

Compatible with protective gear. The system must be compatible with

current protective gear worn, to include gloves.

Biometric recording. Ideally the system would use remote real-time

biometric data recording. This capability would greatly increase the utility for the

ground medic, thereby increasing the odds that the system will be used.

Scalability of data flow. When casualties are received on the battlefield,

it is very likely that there will be numerous demands for bandwidth through the

tactical network. Priority of bandwidth will always go to the operators engaged

fighting the enemy (and preventing further casualties). During these times the


CNS system must be able to automatically decrease the throughput, sending the

most vital information at a reduced data rate. For example, the CNS may send

only a pulse rate every 60 seconds when the network is stressed. When more

bandwidth becomes available, the CNS “catches up” by sending backlogged data

and decreasing the intervals between vital signs.

Add-ons. The system should be capable of being built upon to create the

system additions that will likely be requested when tested. Such additions may

include: GPS with casualty locating capability, casualty alert that the wounded

soldier could use to alert a medic when wounded, simple trauma protocols,

interface with current CBRN detectors, blood typing and lab capabilities.






The capabilities of such a network system extend far beyond basic combat

casualty care enhancement and into the CBRN and counter-proliferation realm.

Given the remote biometric and two-way communication ability of the system, it

is particularly well suited for high risk or contaminated areas. The IBD may be

used on all team members involved in a particular mission, while the video

enabled MM is carried by one of the team members. Alternately, the MM could

be attached to an unmanned vehicle inserted with the team. This unmanned

vehicle could remotely monitor, visualize and interact with the casualties on the

ground. The command element can remotely monitor biometric data of each

individual on the team. When the MM is combined with CBRN sensor detection,

the device will alert in the network to exposures. By remotely monitoring the

team’s vital signs, the command element can watch for early signs of exposure,

particularly to chemical agents. With two way and video communication, the team

can take instruction from SME’s anywhere in the world regarding their medical

care. By equipping the team members with technology to monitor and respond,

the medical response is thereby greatly hastened.

1. Select Properties of Chemical Agents

In general, chemical agents can be categorized as one of four types of

agents: Nerve, Blister, Blood or Pulmonary. Nerve agents act primarily on the

Acetylcholinesterase pathway and can cause death in 15 minutes to 42 hours

(USAMRIID (United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious

Disease, 2011). Blister or Vesicant agents work by causing damage to the skin,

lungs and eyes. The onset of physiological effects from Blister agents is

generally very quick as well. Blood agents like the cyanide based chemicals work

to bind hemoglobin, preventing the exchange of CO2 and O2 in the lungs, thus

showing physiologic changes rather quickly. The final class, pulmonary agents,


work by rapidly damaging the respiratory tract thereby decreasing the ability to

exchange CO2 for O2. Since the chemical agents have rapid physiological

effects, the utility of monitoring vital signs is obvious. By constantly monitoring

vital signs of the team involved early clues of exposure (such as decreased

SpO2, increased respiratory rate and increased pulse) can be identified.

2. Select Properties of Biological Agents

Biological agents include viral, bacterial and fungal agents. In general they

can either cause disease by infecting the individual (like anthrax), or by toxic

effects of the agent’s metabolites (like SEB). Toxic effects of the metabolites

generally act like chemical agents and produce effects similar to those described

above. The infectious agents have variable incubation periods, in general at least

24 hours. The infectious biological agents can be very difficult to diagnose when

first encountered, even by experienced physicians as many of their symptoms

overlap common human infections. For example, inhalational anthrax generally

presents with fever, headache and cough.

3. Select Properties of Nuclear Agents

Radiological exposure results in a wide spectrum of radiologic illness,

which is primarily dose dependent. The effects seen from radiologic exposure

range from burns to GI upset to severe Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) and

death. The primary acute treatment for radiation exposure is removal from

exposure and decontamination. Triage with tools such as the START algorithm

(REMM: Radiation Emergency Medical Management) (Figure 3) facilitate patient

care in mass casualty scenarios, otherwise the majority of patient care for

radiation exposure occurs in the hospital setting.


Figure 3. The START triage guidelines for initial medical response to radiological


4. Use of a CNS in CBRN Environment

There are four key concepts in CBRN counter-proliferation operations,

which make a CNS advantageous. These four concepts are: Limit personal

exposure, SME input can be critical (technically, legally and medically),

multitasking is high in CP missions (takes away from situational awareness), and

many of the medical indications of exposures have early biometric signals.

By using a CNS to monitor and assist in medical care, the team

performing the mission may be able to decrease the amount of operators


exposed. Especially if combined with remote monitors and video capability, the

team can afford to lessen the physical presence of otherwise necessary


SME input on CP missions can be vital to force protection as well as

evidence capture and technical disarming. By having the capability to transmit

vital signs, images and sensor inputs, the CP team can better determine the

correct actions to take. When faced with an odd or unknown exposure, the team

can reach out to SME’s in the United States to assist in diagnosis and treatment.

Physicians and CBRN experts can for SME support teams to monitor and

standby to support the team with key information.

Multitasking on a CP mission is highly stressful and can easily lead to an

operator ignoring key biometric signs. By remotely monitoring the individual

operator’s vital signs, a distant team can identify operators who have been

exposed to and agent much more quickly. Even if a portion of the team had a

deadly exposure, the remote monitoring team could warn the rest of the team

prior to their exposure. For example, if a five-man team was securing a certain

room in a lab and became exposed, the remote monitoring team could warn the

follow-on team working the adjacent hallway before they became exposed. As

biometric monitoring becomes more advanced, determining stress related

changes vs. toxin exposure might become easier.

Due to the generally rapid onset of physiological effects, the chemical

environment is perhaps the most interesting area for a CNS to function. The

system can serve to alert operators of exposure prior to feeling the effects of the

chemical they have been exposed to. In general, soldiers are taught symptoms of

chemical exposure and appropriate actions to take after feeling these effects.

These symptoms are late systemic effects of the exposure. If the individual

operators could be warned prior to feeling these effects, they could potentially

significantly decrease their exposure time and decrease their time to treatment.

The CNS is capable of tying in to existing chemical sensors when transmitted

wirelessly, thus further increasing the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis.


Due to the longer incubation period, the biological CP missions may not

experience as great a benefit in a CNS for medical purposes. One area, which

would see benefit, is in using a CNS in a known exposure area. By evaluating

actively sick patients with the capabilities of the CNS, remote providers can tap

into an SME team standing by to assist in diagnosis and treatment. The CNS

system could even be used by the infected individuals to assist themselves in

caring for each other, thus decreasing exposure of healthy medical providers.

Given that radiation symptoms are triaged based off of directly observable

data such as respiratory rate, perfusion, and breathing status, remote biometric

devices could assist in the early detection of ARS. When tied into radiological

detectors, the CNS can greatly increase accuracy and medical treatment

algorithms by providing exact vital signs and precise exposures. Armed with this

information the CP team can potentially extend their operable time or more

efficiently rotate those directly exposed.


The Casualty Network System has obvious direct benefits in the civilian

EMS realm. Imagine sitting at a restaurant when you start having severe chest

pain. The ambulance is called; a paramedic arrives and places an IBD onto your

chest. The ECG and key vital signs are delivered directly to the nearest hospital,

whose staff immediately starts tracking your medical condition while giving direct

feedback to the attending paramedic. When you arrive at the hospital the staff

already knows exactly what your vital signs have looked like over the past 20

minutes, any allergies or medications you are on and what medications you have

received. In fact, the staff has already been a key member of the EMS team

aiding your treatment since well before you arrived to the emergency department.

Several EMS departments are already starting to employ telemedicine

capabilities in day-to-day operations. This employment increases diagnostic

capacity and accuracy of field paramedics as well as enhances patient handoff at

the Emergency Department. The CNS is much easier to implement and use in


the civilian setting given the wide availability of established cellular networks,

greater equipment carrying capability, and decreased demands for operational

security. Such a system could be integrated into the already widely distributed

network of AED’s throughout the country, thus giving a more direct and quicker

link to the Emergency Department staff. Airlines currently are employing

medical devices capable of transmitting 12 lead ECGs, vital signs and video

feeds to on call medical centers. In fact, given the high cost to divert an airline,

the airline industry has led the way in acquiring telemedicine capabilities.


HADR operations are very demanding in terms of intelligence and

logistics. One of the most difficult aspects to HADR operations is matching the

casualties with the appropriate providers and resources. The CNS has the

potential to serve as an impromptu network in HADR settings to match providers,

resources and casualties. Given that the system may function on any

smartphone, relief providers may install the application to their phone and couple

with IBDs. The CNS app will allow providers to input data from the surroundings

they encounter. The data may include: number of casualties, services and

equipment available, resources needed, security status, disease outbreaks, and

number and level of providers in the area. This data will be uploaded through

existing cellular networks, satellite link, UHF radio or ad hoc networks to a central

website. The provider data will be displayed geographically, indicating location of

providers and the data, which was input by that provider. This data will be

displayed on a map and will be color-coded by a needs to resources ratio. By

forming an ad hoc social network, the response network will have instant access

to real time intelligence. This real time intelligence will serve to identify areas of

concentration for HADR efforts, supply drops and casualty evacuation areas.

Rather than waiting on a central agency to take charge and direct, responders

will be able to refine intelligence and act according to gaps identified in the



As data is entered into the system, a real-time picture of the disaster area

will develop, allowing both individual users and authorities to maximize efficiency

in resources available. For example, a nearby hub of providers can identify a hub

of casualties. Once the two hubs recognize the disparity in resources to needs,

the providers can relocate to assist those in need. This will have a net effect of

leveling the resources to needs, keeping a fluid state of response. As the

response authority is established, it can use the network to decide on where to

set up its base of operations, evacuation routes and priorities. Further, it may use

the CNS to direct providers to areas identified as most in need. As the response

continues, the CNS can be used to monitor relief efforts, supply demands and

infectious disease emergence. This continual monitoring will further maximize the

efficiency of the relief efforts.

To verify quality of data, personnel who enter data to the system will be

identified as a registered or non-registered user. Registered users will be those

who register in the system and have credentials verified (from EMT to MD, as

well as HADR coordinators). This will allow data collection from anyone, yet

those accessing the information will be able to verify the data source.





Prior to implementing any technology solution in to battlefield operations,

proper experimentation must be accomplished. This experimentation will allow

better realization of capabilities, discover how the system integrates into current

systems of communication, and how best to implement the final product. The

objective of the experiment process will be to use current COTS products to pass

casualty information over currently used tactical networks. As experimentation is

performed, data collected can be analyzed to more effectively guide acquisition

and product modification.

Experimentation will attempt to simulate a “real-world” environment

reflecting current military operations. The experiment will simulate a casualty in

the field being transferred to a TACEVAC platform, and then on to a CSH. Key

players include: the casualty (human simulated), the medic, the TACEVAC (UH-

60 with crew and flight medic), the CSH (real world local hospital with trauma

team), the Observer Controller group (OC) located in the Tactical Operations

Center (TOC), and the ground force which forms the tactical network.


Identification of constraints sets the left and right limits of the experiment

and gives guidance to providers of technical solutions. The first constraint is

amount of broadband. The technical solutions provided must not take up

excessive amount of broadband from the tactical network. In general, when

casualties are received, the network will be filled with other users as they

coordinate and communicate the current fight. Technical solutions should not

take more than 15% of the available broadband within the tactical network. The

second constraint is the number of radios forming the tactical network. In general

the system should be able to function with no more than 8 ground radios (RF or

SER). The third constraint is environment; the system must work in both urban


and remote environments. Finally, the system must be able to work in remote

environments with no available existing communication networks such as



Variables allow further discovery of system behaviors under different

circ*mstances. By adding variables to the experimentation phase, more

meaningful data can be collected for further research and implementation.

Initially there will be five variables introduced for experimentation. The first

variable is the number of casualties. Each system should be able to

accommodate one to five casualties for initial testing. Initial experiments will be

conducted with one patient, and then patients will be added with further

experiments. The second variable will be the rate of data updates. In an ideal

world the casualty information will be updated by the second, however this

increases the demand on the system. Testing will be done to evaluate the

system (both technical and human) and it’s response to varying update rates

(i.e., sending updates every 5 seconds vs. every 60 seconds). The third variable

is the information passed. There currently are several designs of IBD’s and each

has varying amounts of information transmitted from the casualty. Some send

only a SpO2, some send SmO2, BP, RR, Pulse and SpO2. By testing different

vital signs inputs, we can better provide a picture to the end user of how their

requirements function within the system. The fourth variable is the type of tactical

network formed. Currently some military units are starting to use software-

enabled radios (SER’s), while many still use Radio Frequency only radios (RF’s).

The experimentation will include testing on RF and SER tactical networks. The

final variable in the experimentation is the use of Wi-Fi technology to pass

information. Ideally the casualty information will be passed wirelessly from patient

to medic and into the tactical network. However, there is no current standard for

permissible Wi-Fi on the battlefield. This requires experimentation using currently

allowable technology (no Wi-Fi) as well as experimentation with likely future

capability of secure means of wireless transmission for the future.



The objective of the experiment structure is to provide the framework for

an experimentation campaign aimed at using technology to solve the combat

medical handoff problem. If properly structured the experimentation structure will

result in a collaborative effort between commercial civilian vendors, researchers

and end operator users. By providing the framework and structure for the

experimentation collaborators will be able to come together to receive

requirements, perform discovery testing, analyze data and work together to more

efficiently provide an optimal working solution. This solution can then be fielded

more rapidly and completely than individuals performing separate experiments in

a vacuum.

The experimentation team is made up of five elements as depicted in

Figure 2. The central element is the casualty, which will tie all of the elements

together. The casualty element is made up of several human simulated

casualties. These casualties will provide the data to enter into the system. By

using humans, the actual observed vital signs can be recorded and then cross-

compared to observed end data received through the system. The second

element is the ground medic element. The ground medic can be one to two

experienced medics who will both receive data from the IBD’s used as well as

input the data of simulated injuries and treatments performed. The third element

is the TACEVAC medic. The TACEVAC medic should be composed of a single

experienced flight medic who both receives casualty information as well as inputs

updated patient status and treatments performed. The final medical care element

is the trauma team. A single experienced trauma provider, receiving data from a

remotely located hospital (simulating an FST), may represent the trauma team.

Finally, the observer controller element (OC) is the end element. The OC team

will function primarily out of the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) and serve to

capture data throughout the experiment. Commercial vendors will insert into each

applicable element based on their technical capabilities.


Element Location Job Data In/Out

Casualty/ies Field Simulate Injured Patient Data In

Medic Field Casualty Care Data In & Out

TACEVAC Field Casualty Care, Transfer of


Data In & Out

Trauma Team Hospital (FST) Casualty Care

Data Reception

Data Out

OC Team TOC Record Data, OC Data Out

Table 1. Table depicting the experiment elements and their roles.

Upon completion of the experiment, data will be analyzed to provide

feedback to participants and end users on performance of the system. For

optimal analysis of the data, a timeline as depicted in Figure 4 will be

constructed. The timeline shows four elements (casualty, medic, TACEVAC, and

trauma team), depicting the data each receives over time. This will allow after

action comparison of what data was received at which time through screenshot

capture. This timeline of data received will allow the experimenters to compare

accuracy of data as well as timeliness of data. For example, if we see that the

trauma team did not receive data until the patient arrives, then the experiment

will have failed to complete data transfer in a timely manner. This timeline will

also allow for a more complete picture for end users to evaluate how well a

system functions based on the composition of which products are used.


Figure 4. Timeline showing data captured for each element.

While a single experiment in time serves to test a capability, the ultimate

objective of this process is to produce and field a quality product in a timely

manner. In order to accomplish this the single experiment must be transitioned

into an experimentation campaign. In order to facilitate an ongoing

experimentation campaign several actions must take place. The first action is

providing a testbed for ongoing experiments. Currently, the Naval Postgraduate

School provides an ongoing Tactical Network Testbed (TNT) at Camp Roberts,

which fully accomplishes this requirement. The Camp Roberts TNT provides the

infrastructure, backside support, facilities, required environments and logistical

support required for this ongoing experimentation campaign. Next, quality data

analysis must be provided to all participants. This data is fed to end operators as

well as participants, further fueling research and design for future experiments. A

well set up experiment design with proper data analysis will draw commercial

vendors to continued participation in the campaign, by providing them with critical

feedback based on realistic testing. Once the data is received, analyzed and

distributed, further design requirements will be generated. These design

requirements will lead to modifications of the experimental variables and

constraints. As depicted in Figure 4, this process sets up an ongoing

experimental campaign process. This process leads to system refinement and

fielding of products, which meet the requirements of the end operators.


Figure 5. Experiment campaign cycle.

The casualty handoff process in combat remains a prevalent problem in

today’s theatres of operation. Current technology exists to adequately solve this

problem, ultimately reducing morbidity and mortality on the battlefield. The

primary reason that this technology is not currently employed is that minimal

direction is being given to the industry for requirements of a Casualty Network

System. With dissemination of basic requirements and a well-designed

experimentation campaign, researchers, operators and civilian developers can

more efficiently and quickly field an optimal working solution.


Data Analysis

Report Review Customer Feedback

Design Requirements (Variable/Constraint




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1. Defense Technical Information Center Ft. Belvoir, Virginia 2. Dudley Knox Library Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 3. Command Surgeon United States Special Operations Command MacDill Air Force Base, FL 4. Command Surgeon United States Army Special Operations Command Fort Bragg, NC 5. Command Surgeon NATO SOF Headquarters Belgium 6. Director United States Army Natick Soldier Systems Natick, MA

The Casualty Network System Capstone Project - · PDF fileThe Casualty Network System Capstone Project Miles ... Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.