The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

0 Trrx. Piitnzn Evenki tews Injures Thigh cn Rope Cutting Machine Exchange Club PAS3AXC ccoTf totowa cssorcn Council OK Planning Board, Sfcciilsin Ccjrf, Joseph Kubisky. 21. of 83 21st "Whil3 Ccne lsv" To Public was treated at the General I'lirandon nospitai last night after mitm. A Passaic man was sentenced to oia inmn wnue or Kins; on a rope $14,000 for New Fire Engine in Ardlnanc authoriilne the expenditure of 114.000 for, a new Josenh Vfr i cuiunimacnine at a mm on wr ren St the County Jail for one day by Criminal District Court Judge Milton Schamach yesterday- because Jack Cleec.

32. of 128 nr nrin fur th Urvroin fire CemDaAv was Dautd in final reading Education of the civilian public fff-cerr who nw c0rm the two fus here, gave ice Day tjk Ltt frZ Of the injured the third finer of hi at a meeting of the borough council last night The sum of 1 1.000 al or nit attitude ot shouting the court room, right hand while loading pip onto oh the meaning of the white cane carried by blind persons was dis ready has been provided in toe current ouagei. booos wu ot iu a trues at- ma home. He was also; The Michael Welma. 25 for the $13 000 balance.

The innea cussed at last night's meeting of treated at tne uenerai Hospital. Jackson St. Passaic was brought Constrnctioa t'omoinj of Haw were Ben TaSky. S3 West 65th St, the North Jersey Blind Men Association at keadquarters. .145 thorne waa awarded a contract to to court Dy nil wire.

He Jen, ol wal-lington. for violation of probation New York C3tyj Sherry Sherman. Furnace Wanaque. and M. Ceramics and Other Classes at YM-YWHA Broadway.

According to state law. a red on an original charge of neglect of pave portion of Jefferson PI. Raphael and Tracey Ave, for the tun of $8498 09. I'ltsaccessfui bid horted hi listener," fellowmen "helnii J1 tbefc Mlrandon Scjoo B'cf PlansReferendum on Grossman. 134 Franklin St, New tipped white cane carried by a blind minors.

He was ordered to eon-lnu to make weekly payment of der were: H. S. Bryan Company The new class In eeramfra at ih s.ou to ue probation department of Ridgewood, S7.543S3: Cofran- el In the past Var tainlth.ffi0t&: YM-VWHA will meet at 8 o'clock person give nun the right ol wav when crowing putyic streets and highway. The local members reported that most of the public Is ciaco Construction Company ol tir tne support family. tonight William Volberg.

ceramics Land Purchase for NewBldg. Paterson. 17.268 03; Holmes. Eng Judge Schamach told tthe man specialist ana experienced, teach to th. preVM b'.

Joh lish and Company of West Engl apparently unaware el the law. er I In charee of the rl in. that he would give him a "taste of lail" and that if he continued to wood. $7438 63: and James Su structlon is individualized and i. Membera AVperial referendum to decide on the purchase of four and one- i fi no of Paterson.

$7394 $5. neglect bis family, he would re zearea DOtn to the beainnr York City. 'i; Ceihcl Reformed Extends Call 16 Michigan PaslorS "7 noy Berge Ind A bid of $1,000 for loU 21. 22. a copy ew jersey biatuie R.

S. known as the "White Cane Law." was to the members. It provides that rany blind person using as a suide a fcalf acres ox land on bpnng vaiiey now ownca 07 r. mg Arthur Lotier. at a price rf per acre, for the building of a new ceive longer sentence.

23 and 24 Bogert St. made by John A clasr in Yiddish ind ml. The Probation order of Henry rfsririst nnnn nv uie Faramuc wtra 01 uunuog ai Iandorio was accepted These Jot w.jr turjrey ard. Th. be Ji meeting lart night This acnooi Ruth Rosenblum also meets 830 tonight Newcomer may etlll re- carved, bandied walking cane, white TanskI, 240 Spring St.

was continued and he was ordered to nay will be fold at the November 21 uuiM he la addition to a achoul meeting of the council subject to Hi right' now. while Bochelle Park aUo petitioned the aUte for the tn color and having a red base aix inches or more wide shall have lintheclubatth. to be located on. the 21-eere-tract any higher oner. arrearage after he wa brought to on a violation of a proba mster.

as in tne case Of ceramics the Yiddish class also absorbs both vance. of laod oo Midland and Faryiew Uoon the recommendation el tne the right of way in crofting any tion order. He originally was surrey, oa a aput vote ot iu ooaro. It was explained by Mr. Russell A tall to become pastor ol ihe nisbwav or Intersection Other spealal Interest fire committee, it wa voted to install a fire alarm box on Union charged with non-support and Aves which the borough purcna-ed last year.

The borough council is keeping about four and one-half All driven of motor vehicle are Bethel Christian Reformed Church that petitioning the stale-Jor the neglect of minor by Helen TanskI Blvd. and Crew St at a cost required to yield the right of way Ing o.fered by the Activities Department of the YM-YHA are: Art. ballroom dancins: modern a Legion Posts Hold wa extended, to the Rev. Anthony1 37 zabriskle Haiedon. on Aug bout 1175.

Gilbert Kaufman to sucn persons. survey does not oougue any iowo. but once a town accept a regional high school It must always use it 28. 1948. Hofkema.

pastor of the St it was pointed out that it It tm 480 Union Blvd. was named borough marshal. The appointment acres ol tne una ior municipal purposes, and the remainder was turned over to the school board, which officially accepted it by res Pleading guilty lo a ot porta nt for a blind man to carry on neonesaav evenings, and folk dancing on Thursdays, The charge and can never nave its own school Christian Reformed Church. Grand Rapids. Mich, by unanimout deci continues until December 31.

1949 neglect of Josephine Memorial hit cane at all times to help motorists and others' distinguish rvite- 'r vi me classes it reasonable. An ordinance BTBriAiBI for the The overcrowding of the school huM coine tn Hackensack and sion of the congregation last night. Plana were discussed for the an Appointment of a nine-man plan- h. A i fin. olution last Bight.

A. special meeting of the board held next Monday evening to complete plana for the referen- Jr. Hadassah Pastor of the "Grand Rapids UrabowsKi, luv Lawrence t. Edward John Grabowskl, 24 Carroll wa placed oh probation arid was ordered to pay $10 a week. Visitations to nfs family were al Ridgewosa High Schools was discussed last night, and it was decid nual dance scheduled for Feb.

23. The organization also consider reading. A change in tone from church aince 1944; the Rev. Mr ed to write a letter to John Jtuss- eht to heavy industry will be au ed the proposed social security leg To v4eet Tonight, A film entitled TT man. of Palfeades Park, owner of thorized a portion of Union lowed.

x- Hoekema was graduated from Calvin College and Seminary in that Blvd. adjoining the D. A the bus. requesting that be use a larrer-bus on the afternoon run jervlce, oV Sunday 3 Paul'. Episcopal Church 5 ItSt Third Presb-tVi.

churchM at St. Paul', oer of the Ravmnmi nTi, George Mooney. 112 Water St islation which would consolidate all welfare services under one agency, including the blind. The North- Jersey Asoclatlon and other cum. -t Trustee Fred Brewster reported on a recent meeting with representatives of Emerson.

Oradell. River Edge, Maywood. Rochelle Trk anif.Saddle River railroad according to the terms of citi, and Uuiht from 1839 to 1941 was found auiltv of an assault and Again" will be shown" at tonight' meeting of the- Paterson Junior Hadassah at 8:30 in the YM-YWHA. The film, obtained from sn amendment to the xoning la from- Ridge wood. where most of the overcrowding takes place.

at Calvin College. He has taken battery charge and was placed on passed in first reading lat hiM The change was requested by toe probation for a week. Jennie Moon post graduate work at the Univer-I The board authorized the hiring similar groups are opposed to such action, believing that their problem differ from those of the econ National Junior Hadassah head. wimam Griffin ev. of the same address-, com.

Dericks Sheet Metal Companv sity of Michigan and Princton of the plained that he hit her on the nose concerning the possibility of a re gional high school, and after a dls-cuisioo of the matter last night It was decided' bv the board to peti- hich plans" to move from its pres omically-dependent handicapped. Theological Seminary, with his nana. quarter depicts the work of Jewish people in Europe and Israel to. day. All girl are; asked to attend to gain a better undetstandinr nt ent site en lower Union Blvd.

Mr. tiokema is married to the former Ruth Brink, dauehter of A. petition requesting that Union of space in Bill's Service Station, Route 17. for housing of the new but until a new garage, can be built for it probably on the new school grounds, Permission was also granted the driver. Mr.

Neb-bard, to use the small bus to drive Blvd. between Bogert St aad Wil oversea problems. the Rev. J. Brink, lone-time home actertstics which can be the American concent nf Animar Society Servant Freed son Ave.

be changed from a residential to a business was re Finds Homes for Pups con state ouiciais vo ronouti survey to determine the feasibility of the Trustee Reginald Ruaaell: who presided at the meeting, reported that Saddle River Township is the jnost ardent supporter of the school missionary of the denomination. It will be some time before the Rev. Mr Hoekema's decision Is known. The Rev. William Haver- ceived from nrooerW owners in the i wo ybung Israeli girl who were to have addressed the club have found It necessary to postpone their cheduled appearances Plarisior th Dee.

4 ilium' "TWi to the new garage to get the larce affected area. The matter was re bus. leaving the small pus in its The Ptssale County Animal Wel ferred to the council, for considera Larceny Case place during the day. fare Society has found homes for tion. Winter Whirl." are under way and all arrangements are being handled nve puppies which Robert pptter.

secretary of the society, obtained A 21-year-old, bloRd woman ano several other. Pertinent 2 the post, conducted the in -IiJI Grath mmnwi. we1" uemetrofsky of Walllngtod. Posters haif tum rii servant, was found not guHty of larcenv yesterday by Jury of from the dog pound last weex. The owner of the dogs was about rOMPTOX LAKES TURRETS AWARDED turkey were awarded at tamp.

-pastor now. baa accepted a pastorate in Holland. Mich. Mrs. FD Criticized wv i For tfacking" Smith- MrYORlClS w.

S-Thomas J. tributed and ticket will go on nine, women and" three men before turn them over to dog pound authorities when Potter agreed te HST PATERSOX- -B'd Receives Final School Plan Sets Date for Trenton Confab if wunin me next two week. the annual dinner and fair of the County Judge Alexander M. Mac Leod. r- ah young girls between th ake them and provide a homarfciT age- Of 17 to 25 ar lrttlt them.

The week andr-tralf old The woman, Irene Decker, of Pomp ton Chapter. 230. uZS. recently at the Pompton Reformed Chapel r- ICUU. oupoies were.

of collie and' co*cker .238 Sherman Newark, was Currtn. Secretary of State "and New York County Republican charged with taking $240 worth Those who received the turners -I es2" funded tans. The Mi'a The Rev. Charles" Judsonfhr Congressman C.nrA spaniel1 heredity. They were adopted by: four Patersonians and one resident of Fair Lawn.

A check to clothing and articles from the home of Mrs. Alice Rosenthal, of NAACP Youth Council Donee Thursdov The East Paterson Board of Edueayon at a regular meeting lart m-eiveri for the first time the final plans for the new 14-room issued yesterday a statement crUH cizing Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt far "attacking- the late Alfred E. Smith in heif nem-est Jwok, "This 412 E.

37th where she wa em ascertain that tne pe's ar beir.f properly cared for wllj be made ClTLEIt school. Board approval is expected to be taken at an adjourned meet- The Youth ronnrll th. 't. ployed as servant on I 1948. Amohg the articles she was subsequently, ne ing Monday, Board memoer win go to irenion inursaay.

rov. rwHv orancn lor the Aational lAsso- the Third Preem.ri.. I Remember," just published. Mr. Curran said that Mr.

Roosevelt Charged with taking were a suit of Offers Gash lu ran. ior tne Advancement of case at X45: two wrist uoiorea r-eopie WHI hold a gala plans are presented. Ffnaf approval comes from the state department watches' worth $35 apiece a fur memDershm dance Thursday nieht Kaufman-Harris Post Quiz Program Tonight architect and subsequently the state department of education approve the final plans, the. board ill then advertise for" bids for called Mr: Smith a wrote that he lacked "breadth of knowledge" and that he wavHess. of a hat valued at $20 and other items at tne i MCA.

128 Ward St. Re- of education but la made only on The lury returned a verdict the recommendation of miliams. iresnments yjiLJie served. Miss Ora Pinkin it arlviur tn h. humanitarian than most people after eight minutes of deliberation construction.

The money for thilFjghting for definite fnclusion of A quiz program wiif feature the thought" qiemben of thT pVbWt P'T. In order to keep faith with4k. honod dead, the CongTeS 'n an atomic an and called oa those prcent pray for. divine guidance reoresentatives. 1 Coneressman rncu The woman has been In the County Youth Couicil and Cletu McGrae meeting of the Kaufman-Harris St.

Anthony' Council. Knights a kindergarten in the new" school were Dr. Philip Haft and Charles Menton. President Mrs. Vivian is chauman for the dance.

Enter-! I Mr.v Curran declared that Mrs. Boosevelt's statement "will thor Jail since June awaiting trial. The Roman, represented by Attorney of Columbui, of Butler. i 6iier-J tainment Will be: nrovideil anrl th. Post, Jewish, war veterans or tne U.

tonight at 8:30 o'clock its meeting piacax Zionist Hall, 14th decoration committee. report that Jaiffes J. Murher, was on pa Leestma said the board wilWignt mg in casn pnzas iot per sons submittinz names for its mu- oughly enrage the people of New York State jwho knew end loved Ai In behalf those tne hail will be gaily decorated. role from a state institution while lor the kindergarten. sifal comedv "to be.

preseijted' at i i. a a she served as a servant. Liwyer and E. 25th St- be formed" and, a stop, watch will be used to record persons, Mr.l Curran asserted. ine sutler niKn scaooi wnaMj ano last month heVwd Wril' school and the Cantner Ave.

addij -tion has teen obtained by selling bonds. School Board Attorney R. Scry Nicosia reported that was deposited to the First National. Bank of Paterson yesterday. -The new ichool will be located ff Broadway between 14th and 16th Ave.

Plans call for a 14 Znom school and kindergarten and domestic science room. Architect Emil Ciccone. of Paterson, a that he believe the approximately itt nnn attnted for the new school be-oop music and popular songs will provide musical background. Serving on committees are: Booker Cauthen. refreshments: ouunn vauinen.

reiresnmenis; Murner waS named by the court ta represent her when she said she Mayor George T. English repeatedly questioned the reason for delay of approval tentative plant submitted Jan. 12. He read a taturuy nignts. ov.

and Z5 of I New Jmev 1 at 8. aid not have anyfunds the time -required" for answering the questions. Awards will be made to the winning -teami according to UtratoiHo i 01 Vernita Hill, decorations: RalphK' Jor 'd ln letter aaqressea to mm trom Wil First priae wHT be $150. "second liams saying the local architect uuuucuy: ana iir au nip mow, publicity: and Kalnh $125. ind third 3-W0.

Suzgessidns William Dressier, chairman of the post's program and activities com did not meet with his (William's) Migdaie, floor committee. Every will be accepted in writing at club ment lo Communist China resent me. siur Mrs. Roosevelt has now placed on the memory of one of tb greatest American of our bmes. Alfred EmanueJ Smlth.

Mr. Roosevelt, through her secretary. Mrs Malvina Thompson, said last eight that she had no comment on Mr. Curran' statement one is invited to suggestions aad this was i the viima, Me expressed his rfav mittees neaaquarters on Boonlon Ave son approval waa withheld. CommanderTKineKom-e will Mayor English cited the fact Butler.

Rehearsals for the chorus will preside at a short ousirtess meet Chancery pffice Says will be sufficient to cover all but the domestic science reemThis that there was of per In of Election ing, which will precede the quiz session sonalities" between the local and be at 2:30 m. Sundays, and n.m Wednesdays in SV Anthoeyta Hall. Preacher Not Priest The Chancery Office of the Ro th armed forces. The Rev. nasfor spoke.

briefly the topic, Peaee," pointing outithat one world cooperatioa in rriendly nirii state architect He concluded by saying: "When you the board! go room may have to oe from the plans, he said, if bids are too high, fie emphasized, in no-, merous queries, that a kindergar Princioaia will rehears at the The ballots for the election of same hours Sunday and Thursday. man catholic Diocese of Paterson has req ueated publication of the nine new directors of the Greater Caught in the Act to Trenton and if the local architect has to swallow hit pride, he should Jame Holding Is director aad Mr Paterson Chamber of Commerce following statement: i But the. great solution, the natw ten classroom will be included in the new school, "even if it means too so to get the school built will be counted beglning at 4 n. m. Helen Donnelly, assistant The offierais of Tatefson Chan- aia. the love of Christ in speaking briefly were Walter eery office, have learned that "the tne neart of a ir people. having a iZ-room school ana Kin HrrHrtMi All present includ Brower. Thomat Hires. Coun- Thursday, in the. Greater Paterson Chamber office, according to an announcement made-this -morning RuSSell Snvrifir.

Catholic priest Is. scheduled STARTS WARD TBAIVtXG Tb talk in a Park Avenue Church ing ma rrr local official. Insisted that a kindergarten room be con- cilmen Michael William Coleman and Bruce MacDonald, Mr. Rosenthal. Mr.

Benner. Mr. Ferraro and former School Board Frances Abbott. iv--ti- in this city tomorrow is one who Dy h. tan Munz, president of the Chamber.

Plains. is one of "the freshmm wholly discredited in- the According to Munr. the vot the Hospital of St. Barnabas for church. He had to be relieved of President John Stack.

ing, this year, lias developed the omen and Children. Nwark -hn his priestly offices because pf will atari actual ward experience lcbholism. non navment of iust greatest amount of interest In the 41 years of the Paterson. Chamber" history and the results of mere on Aionoay. debts, unbecoming language, and 7- nA.MSEY The third annual Square Dance.

church and Legion County Introduced the speaker. The ritual wa conducted bv the pot team headed ny Gus Struck, ajid assrsted by Peter Ihrman organic, Richard Aeker and Jfoha Put-P, Calinet, William Vroegendewev. trumpeters John Kreeft, Georje Kopo, Eppius sl'eenstra, fTharirt A and Barriey The Junior choir, directed Jame Heeley, sang "Juhilate" ind the eertior --choir. "A Nafion'js. Prayer." Danleld T-ha behavior detrimental to his digni strutted.

The board wUlsgo to Trenton with final plans that are on the tame line as the preliminary plana, which were submitted to State. Architect Seymour Williama Jan. this, year.and- were never approved, 'illUmv as late as last month, has maintained that-the school being planned, is loovcoslly and does not meet -with- is suggestions. Williams, in communi- the election are being watched fied calling. from 1847.

the ve ar of the first is- throughout the Paterson area. r- According to the scranton (Fa ueDy the U-St Government," ti rjfeht directors will' be; elected -hewas a( one tTme an sponsored, by the Ramsey P.T A-. will be JieldLFriday Evening. No-vemter 18. the gymnasium at the high school.

for three-year terms and. one di rector for a two year term. inmate of -a' The tellers who will count and YENXIES HAVE SOX Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yennie.

SISTER GETS ESTATE John W. Brook, who was 51 tally the ballots consist, ofc Chairman, Harold Einhorn. B. Einhorn Co WUliam E. Lee.

year old when he died Oct. 27. sang, "He WUI Feed My Flock." Featured for the evehingwilj be William Dickinson, the "Tuxedo Colonel." Elimination are planned for which seasonal Ueft all of hi property to his sister. of 133 Franklin" TfW have announced the birth of a son. Robert Charles, November tt St.

Joseph' Hospital in Paterson! The babav loins a brother, Franklin Trust Meyer not favor clasarooma only on one side of the corridor and does not favor-a ba'iement, both of which he board intends to have, The fact that the board Is nre- Clare Nle'kens, 16 Franklin Midlend Park. in a will filed for brobate yesterday in the office of i urnaort. mrndoif Clothe: R. Beck. Patent Attorney- Elsie prizes wil be awarded.

The door prize wyi be a large, live, healthy turkey, complete with feathers and yrorge, age i. a CORRECTION Albert C. Cronon, 27, who was-found in a closed gas station at Morri and Grand Sts. earlv vev Surrogate John McNaughton. bchaub, S.M.

Developmsx, Co. The newly-elected directors will be introduced at the 42nd Annual senting final plana without the approval of tentative plans brought resided at 53 20th VLrii Fred JloerscHgen "and Mrs. George W. Nimmo. of Cottars Pi.

a crate. r- ji. stipulated in his will that he on crtucism trom the audience Their comment was that the board terday morning resides at 187 Slater St ha made no provision for his moth attended the 28th annual reunion Parentt of the elementary school will receive tickets through the of Dependents of L. Nicholas Mr. John Sanlese.

185 Slater Is Just "gambling" on the chance of approval. They added that tince er. Amy Brooks, or for, his other sister, Julia De Groat, because his estate is small and his sister. Clara I mail. Basil Confectionery, on btuiweiJ at the Hotel Woodstock in.

New York Wedoesday. St called The New yesterday te point out that the address given'' Dinner on Dec. 1st Grace HWebb at Theosophical Society Miss GraccE. Webb will review East Main has consented to has "done so much for me over so tentative plans, be may reiect the assist the PTA by making tickets The Borough CouncH wiH- meet long a Deriod." Hia Clara. by Cronon was not correct ana i caused her unnecessary embarrass- ment available lor others rnursaay night la the Firehouse wa named as executrix also.

final plans and cause further delay. Architect Ciccone said the final plan were changed about 10 at -Lead Kindly. by Vincent PLANTS STOLEN Councilman and Mrs. Andrew Sutherland, of Elbert St left last Edward Vnndercliff. proprietor aneen at a meeting or tne Theosophical Society toniaht at 8:15 at weeJufor a three month raonwyrtneet tonight at 8:13 pjn- of the Eastside Florists, 1050 Mar AitzonaMr.

Sutherland has been per cent from preliminary draw-lnrs. He declared that it isn't necessary to have approval of tentar tive plans to get approval of final plans. He added that preliminary ket reported to police that me acnooi. ine meeting is' open to the public. in poor health for several months 121 Broadway.

The lecture, dealing with the life of Gandhi, is free, Ifie some plants had been stolen from George Provan. David Oarlougn lot at the rear of his hothouse ana wimam aieuger. wn Tools were stolen from a build KADDI.M Rll-EH TWP. Lincoln Kindergarten just com (Jeted boot training at STfEL CUSTOM-BUILt fester Encbsufes ing under construction at 7th: Ave. and E.

24th. St, The tfieff was Parris island, pc, arrived in Ram piana are reviewed by the state onlv to see if there are flagrant building code violation. Architect Citcone said his plans do conform with the sute building i rode and he expects approval. State Architect Williams has indicated he will act Immediately when -the To Have Ha If-Day sey recently to spend a leave With Sale of Alexander -L: Hamilton PosfVFW The Ladies Auxiliary, of the reported hy B. Araoresano, J528 River St.

Kindergarten children In' the their parentt.f. AIXEVDAtE WITH THIS photograph as evidence, aheriir-deputies attested Robert C. Tfaarlew, 19. in Syracuse en a burglary charge; Sam Mar-tfau ewner ef the store In which it was. taken, said the picture was made by combination automatic camera and burglar alarm which else set ff li hts.

and rang bell summoning deputies. Thurlew is frem Mattydate, a suburb ef Syracuse. (AP Wirephoto). i FIRE DAMAGES TRTTCft Alexander Hamilton Post. No.

139. A truck in a earace at 359 Mc morning class at the Lincoln School will go home tomorrow at 10:30. From 10:30 to noon parents may visit kindergarten teachers in the school. Kindergarten school busses will leave at 10:30. is will hold a white elephant sale tomorrow and Thursday from 10 a.m.

to 4 p.m. in post headquarters 272 Ellison under the RECEIVES TROPHY i.i Lean Boulevard, was considerably damaged by fire last night Fireman listed the cause of the fire "Visit Your School Week." hairmanshio of Mrs. Sadie Van Ray Jones, of Orchard has Just received the Silver Cup he won recently first prize for the best American stamp collection Afternoon kindergarten children as spontaneous Ignition.Jie garage Is owned by Ten Hoeve Bros, contractors. Durme. will leave Thursday at 2 n- m- and The proceeds will benefit the rugs AU.

Sini AU CUAN(0 For As Little As V3 To J4 Orlrlsil Cost iMHMats fratd I It'alS' Pzlersca Ru? Outlet Co. 337 Yi Main Sh Peterson Baity M. parent may visit teacher from shown in the exhibition sponsored National Homefor Orphans and Widows of World Wars I and II. 2 to 3:30 p. m.

Roy P. Burt su INJURED IN FALL Mrs, Nora Van Dvke 4J) nf 1S.17 by the. Paterson Stamp Collector Club. i li pervising principal of Saddle River Township school. Raymond Fair Lawn, suffered 8 contusion of the fnrvhcarl when The cup represented the" first hurt 'in fall; award tn the senior class of U.S.

SINB MilOt JTVtH Ol WOMI flltNIAIiy-MO OlUCAtlOl 5JS HICH Smn, HTWAWf, i rkene: Kltcbafl 1-531 Stamp. "Jope collection wa of Working on a ladder renalrine a IIOHOKI DANCE COMMITTEE" Committee for the "Harvest she fell down a flight of stairs ln a atore at 180 Main St. yesterday. She wa treated at the General Hospital and rrlpased. U.

five-cent and ten-cent stamps pipe at 341 River Hackensack at ,3 p. m. yesterday, Frank For Time Holiday dance of the Ho- mica, 39. of A-C2 Getty fell and sustained a laceration of the Ho-Kus Youth Canteen, for all ninth graders. Saturday, at 8 re forehead.

st the Public School includes Formica was taken tn HxrV.n. Stanley Gainet, general chairman; sack Hospital where he received treatment from' Dr. A. Goldstein Naney Truax. publicity; Nadine Cannort and.

George MeKnight. re- ana wa discharged. ireshmentsj and Myrehe Erans. decorations. RUBBISH FIRE Firemen extinguished aruhhlsh CXCB TOMEET Mrs.

Eric Rauer, Biauveit fire at the market, 67 West Broadway, yesterday afternoon. A Hd-Ho-Kus. will be in ehere carelessly discarded cigarette is oeueved to have caused the fire. of refreshmenU for the meeting of the 20-30 Club of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Ridgewood, Thurs day mgnt at tne cnurcn.

There was no BITTEN BY DOG Tive-year-old Eileen MdMenamy, 75 George was treated at St Joseph's Hospital for a dog bite of the right hand yesterday afternoon. FnA.NUI IX tJtKES PROFIT REPORTED Ml MiWCAH. The Mothers' Club of the Frank lin Lake Methodist Church re FSOUO The accident, happened near her 7 COLORS! ports a profit -of $30 frorn the Family Night party held Saturday evening. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment for the addition being built to the Church School. Com e4orfi0rfrt -v ONSTIPATION F.moal lutii.i aim pronat nlMf rough old audbr-nmuitfbi.

ProoHXM diaisnioa wiibool rifs'- Ash far fomilr acoooar to. Ti Fcr Tcs CIS CUAjLv n.i..:... SmM ahnt Bt rV. nt (ah mtt IJ 54 W. Eroedwey cor.

River St. WTHDOW WADf AWNINei VINITIAM 'UlNOS-TAiaAUUNt A0 SH. Ml lATIXSCN N. iiLSi! HC CIRCUS-British actress iSrade IleMs leeks amaaed as she tries est tricycle at London cycle thow.f RUSS NATIVE HERBS. 5 r- 'Tr-rmin'.

The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.